Wednesday, January 21, 2009


3888 Crenshaw Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA

Crenshaw Live opened on Inauguration Night, Jan 20, 2009. We went for beers, but saw that they have a sushi bar and a fishtank in the floor. There were good-looking plates of fried food. Definitely worth further investigation.


Unknown said...

I just noticed that place. I use the post office next door frequently and in the past usually walked quickly by the dark lava rock front entrance where the smell of urine has been rather distinct. Now the black rock facade has been replaced with a mosaic of small rectangular pieces of travertine and the planter box sports horsetail (Equisetum arvense) which in the past has been considered one of five signs gentrification.

LB said...

Very important to note that the in-the-floor fish tank went all around the centrally-located bar - and there was a waterfall.
People v. nice.
But no Makers Mark - first night open, though.
They were playing basketball and inaugural coverage. Probably most nights it is all sports.
AND the big plate of fried seafood and potatoes looked very, very delicious.